Monday, February 9, 2009

Marvelous Monday!!

I had a friend email me and sent a card she had made from one of the sketches that I posted. She loved that she had something to go by so why not add more sketches. I just love this site and you will to. So if you are ever in a zone and can't come up with a card idea just look here for some awesome ideas with some very creative stampers and artists.

OK here is Heather's Monday Sketch #60

this looks like a fun, simple and easy card. See what you can come up with to share!!

I will have more so keep checking back.
Happy Monday and keep stamping.


1 comment:

Monica718 said...

I just used the sketch to create a Thinking of You crad for my friend. her Dad is sick and I wanted to show my support. I used "Just Becasuce" as my simple stamped message. The sketch w/dimesnions was a cinch...the hardest part was slecting papers.
Thanks for a neat idea.